DAY 7 - April 3rd

Good morning children!!!

Angelfish Maroon Clownfish Clip Art - Transparent Background Clown ...

Today we will keep on learning about animals. Let's listen to Miss Patty who is going to tell us a little bit about fish.

Patty's introduction of fish


Let's watch the video about fish:

Let's learn about fish!

How Long Can a Fish Live Out of Water? - AquaViews


Time to work!! 

Open the following file where you will see a list of the characteristics of fish, and a picture showing its body parts.  You can download and print this to stick on your copybook, or if you don't have a printer, you can copy everything.

Fish Characteristics and parts of the body

  • LET'S PLAY!!

Now, let's have some fun and find out how much you have learnt!

We hope you had fun today!!
Have a great weekend and we'll see you next week!!
We love you!!

Miss Patty, Miss Gime and Miss Clau

4 comentarios:

  1. Buen dia, fallo la carga del video de true or false, no esta de los peces sino se cargo otra vez d elos birds. Gracias muy lindos!

    1. Sorry!! We didn't realize! We have already changed it, thank you♥

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
